
Bike Trails: Olango? Let's Go! - Part 2

Read Part 1 here.

Back at the sanctuary headquarters, the resident Rufous Night Heron engages its arthropod prey in a vicious fight. The poor bird loses by a literal split-decision (the caretaker had to un-clip the crab from its beak).

We thank Toni (OIWS guide) for sharing is avian expertise with us before saddling up for the next leg of our day trip. Our new-found cycling buddies lead the way this time.

Passing by Maribagini area once again, I couldn't resist posing for a quick photo snap! Props to Larry for taking pictures on-the-go.

Further along, we pass by local kids who cheer us on, bought some bottled Swaki (bottled sea urchin meat) from a lady peddler and ride alongside a sari-sari store on wheels.

We ride back to Santa Rosa township and make a detour towards the Eastern coast before traversing the island to the North.

View Bike Trails Olango in a larger map

The terrain around the island is mostly composed of compacted limestone and soil. Main roads are paved with cement, so beginners have nothing to be scared of.

I feel light-headed as we switch back to the main 'spinal' road. I've always hated the heat whenever I'm biking (or trekking, at that). Only the thought of saang (a seashell delicacy) and Larry's helping hand (pushing my bike to help accelerate it!) got me through three barangays.

We reach a sharp road bend and after a couple of kilometers, we finally reach our destination: a small outpost of a home on the coastline with a sign board that says "Sa-ang for sale".

Checking out the goods, I realized that we didn't work up an appetite for nothing. We must've surprised the cook when our party of four ordered food for seemingly double the amount of mouths.

    On our menu: blanched Saang, fried fish, seashell kilaw, swaki, squid adobo and cassava puto.

Olango may not hold the wildest bike trail views, but it sure can satisfy another part of me. I tag this gastro-adventure trip one for the books!

PS. If you're interested in biking Olango, too, I can give you contact info for a guide/bike rental.


  1. This is what I really want in cycling (Bicycle/motorcycle) because it gives you many doable options like getting immersed with the locals and the destinations of choice is pretty much easier to do than commuting + it is a great leisure activity and lifestyle. :)

  2. @Edmar

    Yea, best way to explore the countryside!
    Thanks for visiting :)

  3. hi!!! can i have some info about bike rental fees and where to get them? thanks!!!!!!

  4. kindly post the contact number for bike rental. thanks!
